Four Leaf Clover on Twitter

Okay… I finally did it (a lot of “finally”s lately for me, eh?), I got a Twitter account for Four Leaf Clover/myself. I went ahead and started “following” a few of you in my haste to think of ten Twitter accounts to add (one of the requirements to make an account), but I know there are so many other lovely people who read my blog who I’d love to get to know a little better and follow, too. So without further ado, please add me if you’d like! Twitter was a part of my survey that received a lot of positive responses for my getting an account (as did Facebook which I plan on getting soon-ish as well), plus I’ve heard so much good feedback about Twitter in relation to blogs and realized I was probably missing out on quite a bit. Just please be patient as I try and get used to using it… hashtags, @ symbols, ReTweets, followers/following, etc… lots to figure out! You can click on the image above to go to the Four Leaf Clover Twitter page. I hope to see you there!


31 March 2011 - 3:00 pm

Welcome to Twitter – have added you (I’m @monicashaw). Twitter is quite addictive once you get the hang of it. Be careful! 😉

Brandi {not your average ordinary}
31 March 2011 - 3:48 pm

And done! YAY! Now I get to talk to you on Twitter!

31 March 2011 - 6:54 pm

i broke down and got a twitter account this year too. if you can’t beat them, join them! hehe

31 March 2011 - 10:12 pm

I’ve so far kept my distance from twitter, but with so many great bloggers now using it… I might have to succumb. Enjoy!

1 April 2011 - 3:06 am

yay! i just followed you. welcome to the very addictive world of twitter! 🙂

1 April 2011 - 9:33 am

Thank you all for following me and the super nice welcome! : )

Gabriella {sensiblyluxe}
2 April 2011 - 8:37 am

I am going to follow you right after typing this message!

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