Keep animal testing out of your tea cup

[UPDATE: Unilever has stopped testing their teas on animals!]

Don’t you hate it when you buy something only to find out it isn’t all that great? Lipton’s tea is leaving a bad taste in my mouth and it’s because their parent company tests on animals. Why in the world is anyone testing tea on animals?! I won’t be purchasing any Lipton, Lyons, or PG Tips tea until they clean their act up. Tea is supposed to leave a person feeling peaceful and good, but I can’t do that knowing that rabbits, mice, rats, and piglets are suffering because of it. PETA UK has made it super easy for anyone willing to help. Just click here or on my image to go to their page on this issue featuring an email that you can edit and sign. Thank you!


19 January 2011 - 10:52 am

that is too random! what do they test????

19 January 2011 - 1:50 pm

Hi Krystal – This is exactly what is written on PETA UK’s website:

In these cruel tests, rabbits, mice, rats and piglets were tortured and then killed by decapitation, suffocation, or neck-breaking, among other methods. Following are more of the horrific details about what happened to the animals who were used in the company’s experiments:

Rabbits were fed a high-fat, cholesterol-laden diet, leading to extreme hardening of the arteries. They were then fed tea to see if it could reduce the lesions that formed on the animals’ arteries. After the experiment, the rabbits’ heads were cut off.

Mice bred to suffer from a painful bowel inflammation were fed tea ingredients in order to see if the tea had any effect on their condition. After the test, experimenters killed the mice by suffocating them or breaking their necks.

Rats were forced to eat a high-sugar diet, and then tea was given to the animals to see if it could protect against sugar-induced brain damage. Other rats had their abdominal wall punctured and were fed radioactively labelled tea ingredients through a tube in their stomach in order to examine the absorption of tea in the body. Then they were killed, frozen with liquid nitrogen, and crushed.

Piglets were infected with E. coli toxin and had tea solutions put in their intestines to see how the solutions affected the animals’ fluids and electrolytes. As part of the tests, experimenters cut the pigs’ intestines apart while the animals were still alive. All the piglets were killed afterward.

Misty :)
25 January 2011 - 3:48 pm

This is sad!! I never imagined they would test TEA, of all things, on animals!!!! I went and sent that e-mail you suggested!! I just can’t believe they do that!! I really hope they stop!

Misty :)
25 January 2011 - 3:50 pm

Hell, they shouldn’t test ANYTHING on animals!!! This just isn’t right! Thank you for posting this!! This helped me realize even more how much animals don’t have a say in things and it really needs to stop! They need to stop testing things on animals. First, its not right. And secondly, how is testing it on an animal going to tell them how it is going to react to humans??? It won’t! Sure we are apart of the animal kingdom, but that doesn’t mean we will have the same reactions on them! Companies don’t have the right to test our products on the animals!!! It just isn’t fair!!!

25 January 2011 - 6:01 pm

Thanks so much for sending the email, Misty! It’s really great to read that you’re against animal testing. It’s been proven again and again that animal testing is inadequate. I hope that these companies stop testing soon!

28 January 2011 - 5:45 pm

You’ve made a PETA UK online marketing guy very happy for linking 😉 Keep it up Eva, good blog – hope you’re well

28 January 2011 - 6:28 pm

Hey Matt! Thanks for stopping by, I’m glad you found my blog! I’m happy I could help. If only there were more hours in the day to post every single action alert out there!

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