Why it’s important to protect the Boreal Forest

Today on Care2, I watched this short but very informative video about the Canadian Boreal Forest. I realize that not everyone thinks like me and protecting something because it is part of nature isn’t always descriptive enough. By protecting one place or species, like the Boreal Forest, you are protecting so much more. This video is so informative and in the best possible way. I wish they showed it in elementary schools all around the world. It makes me want to head into the Boreal and explore all the beauty within. I hope you enjoy this little tour!

P.S. If you haven’t yet, you can sign this petition to protect the Boreal Forest.


Hannah (Culture Connoisseur)
17 October 2011 - 3:27 pm

OoOo it’s on my life list to go see all the beauties of Canada! Thanks for sharing!

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