Ecolissa: where fashion meets eco

Ecolissa is an online shop that specializes in dresses and easy to wear separates that are eco-friendly and vegan. Their clothing is made up of materials such as bamboo, hemp, modal/tencel, organic cotton, reclaimed materials, and soy. Many of the products they sell are also fair trade.

As a vegan I choose to only purchase and wear vegan clothing, but it’s the best option for everyone. Vegan clothing “is a more compassionate and ethical choice. While the cruelty in leather and fur is apparent, it is not so obvious in wool, silk, and down feathers, but these materials can be just as inhumane. For example “3,000 silkworms are killed (by being steamed alive) to make just 1 pound of silk”, down feathers are cruelly plucked from live geese, and the raising and shearing sheep for wool can be exploitative and cruel.”

Melissa from Ecolissa emailed me and told me she’d like to offer all of you a 20% off discount! All you have to do is type in coupon code “eco20” right before checkout. Plus, there’s no expiration date. I chose some of my favorite pieces from the shop to make this little collage for you. You can click on the image or here to look at all they have to offer. If you’re from the USA, an extra bonus is that shipping is only $5 and they sell many products made in USA.

If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask away!


15 February 2011 - 9:24 pm

aw thanks to you both for providing the discount! I will definitely go check them out 🙂

15 February 2011 - 10:47 pm

What nice stuff- I love that owl necklace.

Brandi {not your average ordinary}
16 February 2011 - 4:32 am

She has some beautiful stuff. One of my friends is vegan and learning about fashion design now. She hopes to have her own line of vegan clothing one day and really take it mainstream.

16 February 2011 - 9:56 am

Oh, cool!! Good going, scoring that discount! ;D
And expiration date-less, nice. *thumbs up*
I don’t have a lot of money to work with right now, but when I do, I might consider getting something from there…that bird necklace is calling to me right now. 😉

16 February 2011 - 1:05 pm

I’m so glad to see so many of your positive thoughts about Ecolissa! Can’t wait for ALL clothing to be like this, ha!

Brandi – Does your friend have a blog or anything? I’d love to know more!

16 February 2011 - 7:49 pm

We just added four leaf clover to the GREEN LIVING page at RegenerativeHomes™.

17 February 2011 - 5:11 pm

I’m always looking for new necklaces, and I love the ones on your post. It’s a bonus that they’re eco-friendly!

Misty :)
14 March 2011 - 4:40 pm

Awww, they have some REALLY cute things on that website!!! I found 2 really cute shirts!! I wish I could afford them!!! Maybe I will wait til I start getting more hours at work. Then I may go splurge a little 🙂 Thanks for posting this! I’m going to put this website as a bookmark now 🙂 lol

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